Advantages and Applications of Through-Hole Power Inductors
  In the intricate world of electronics, numerous components work together seamlessly to power our devices. While some components take center stage, others function tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Through-hole power inductors are prime examples of such essential elements.  These inductors might seem like modest parts, but their role in regulating current flow is crucial for electronic circuits' stable and efficient operation. This blog explores the world of through-hole power inductors, their advantages, and the diverse applications where they play a vital role.  Understanding The Importance of Power Inductors  Power inductors are essential components in electronic circuits, particularly those dealing with power conversion and filtering. They act like traffic cops for current, smoothing out fluctuations and ensuring a steady flow. This becomes especially important in applications like DC-DC converters, where a stable voltage is crucial for powering delicate electronic components. Electrical noise and disruptions could wreak havoc on your circuit's performance without power inductors.  Advantages of Through-Hole Power Inductors  Through-hole power inductors offer distinct advantages over their surface-mount counterparts. Here's a closer look at some key benefits:  Mechanical Stability: Through-hole inductors are soldered directly to the PCB through their legs, providing a robust mechanical connection. This is particularly beneficial for applications experiencing vibrations or shocks, as they are less prone to detaching than surface-mount components.  Higher Power Handling Capability: The through-hole mounting style allows for larger core sizes and thicker wire gauges in power inductors. This translates to superior heat dissipation and the ability to handle higher currents than surface-mount options.  Ease of Replacement and Repair: Through-hole components can be desoldered and replaced with relative ease, simplifying repairs and maintenance. This is a valuable advantage for situations where downtime needs to be minimized.  Improved Heat Dissipation: The larger size and through-hole mounting of power inductors provide better thermal contact with the PCB. This allows for more efficient heat dissipation, keeping the inductor cooler and ensuring optimal performance.  Applications of Through-Hole Power Inductors  The robust nature and high current handling capabilities of through-hole power inductors make them ideal for various applications. Here are some prominent examples:  Power Supplies and Converters: From regulating voltage in laptop chargers to powering sensitive circuits in desktop PCs, through-hole power inductors are workhorses in various power supply and converter applications. Their stability and ability to handle fluctuating currents make them a reliable choice.  Automotive Electronics: The ever-increasing complexity of automotive electronics demands reliable components. Through-hole power inductors find application in engine control units (ECUs), audio systems, and other automotive electronics, ensuring smooth power delivery and resisting the vibrations encountered on the road.  Industrial Control Systems: Industrial settings often involve high-power machinery and equipment. Through-hole power inductors play a vital role in regulating power within control systems, ensuring the smooth operation of motors, sensors, and other critical components.  Telecommunications Equipment: The backbone of our connected world relies on stable power delivery. Through-hole power inductors are employed in telecommunication equipment like routers and switches, filtering out noise and maintaining signal integrity for seamless communication.
Release time:2024-07-24 16:44 reading:335 Continue reading>>
What is an <span style='color:red'>inductor</span> ?
  An inductor is a passive electronic component designed to store energy in the form of a magnetic field. It’s typically made of a coil of wire wound around a core material, such as iron or ferrite. When an electric current flows through the coil, it generates a magnetic field around it. The strength of this magnetic field is directly proportional to the current flowing through the coil.  One of the fundamental properties of an inductor is its ability to resist changes in the current flowing through it. This property is known as inductance, denoted by the symbol “L,” and it’s measured in henries (H). Inductors are widely used in electronic circuits for various purposes, including filtering, energy storage, and signal processing. They’re often employed in conjunction with capacitors to create filters that block certain frequencies or pass others, forming essential components of many electronic devices and systems.  What does an inductor do?  Inductors play various important roles in circuits, and here are their main functions:  1. AC Blocking/DC Passing: In a DC circuit, an inductor almost doesn’t impede the flow of current, acting like a short circuit, i.e., “passes DC.” However, in an AC circuit, an inductor generates reactance (XL = 2πfL), which impedes the flow of AC, increasing with frequency, i.e., “blocks AC.”  2. Filtering: Inductors combined with capacitors can form various filters, such as low-pass filters, high-pass filters, etc., used to remove noise or specific frequency components from circuits, making the output signal purer.  3. Oscillation: Combined with capacitors, they form LC oscillating circuits. When the circuit’s natural frequency matches the external signal frequency, oscillation can occur, used in signal generation and amplification circuits.  4. Tuning and Selectivity: In wireless radio and communication systems, combinations of inductors and capacitors can be used for selectivity, allowing signals of specific frequencies to pass while suppressing others, such as selecting different broadcast channels on a radio.  5. Energy Storage: Inductors can store magnetic field energy. In circuits like switch-mode power supplies, inductors can store energy when the switch is on and release it when the switch is off, achieving voltage conversion and current smoothing.  6. Delay and Band-Rejection: Inductors can introduce phase delay in signals, used in time-delay circuits or to filter out signals of specific frequencies (band-rejection).  7. Choking: In power supply circuits, inductors act as choke coils, capable of preventing high-frequency noise from entering sensitive circuits or stopping ripple currents in DC circuits, forming filter circuits with capacitors to provide smoother DC output.  8. Signal Selection and Separation: Common-mode inductors and differential-mode inductors are used respectively to filter out common-mode noise and differential-mode noise, enhancing signal purity.  9. Impedance Matching: In circuits where different impedance matching is needed between circuit sections, inductors can be used to adjust impedance to optimize signal transmission efficiency.  How to choose an inductor?When selecting an inductor, several key factors need to be considered:  1. Rated Current: The rated current of an inductor refers to the maximum current that can continuously pass through the inductor without causing it to overheat. When selecting an inductor, ensure that the chosen inductor’s rated current is greater than or equal to the maximum operating current in the circuit.  2. Inductance Value: The inductance value (L, typically measured in henries [H], millihenries [mH], or microhenries [μH]) is determined based on the specific requirements of the circuit. For example, in filter circuits, the inductance value affects the frequency characteristics of the filter; in oscillating circuits, it relates to the oscillation frequency. Choosing the correct inductance value is crucial for the circuit’s functionality.  3. Self-Resonant Frequency: For high-frequency applications such as RF filters, the self-resonant frequency (SRF) of the inductor is an important parameter. Ensure that the operating frequency of the selected inductor is lower than its self-resonant frequency to avoid performance degradation or instability.  4. DCR (DC Resistance): DC resistance affects the efficiency and heating of the inductor, especially in high-current applications. Lower DCR can reduce energy losses but typically implies increased cost.  5. Package Size and Form: In practical applications, space constraints are also important. Choose appropriate package sizes and shapes (such as vertical, horizontal, shielded, or unshielded) to meet PCB layout requirements.  6. Cost: Different types of inductors (such as iron core, air core, ferrite core, etc.) and manufacturing processes affect cost. Choose inductors that offer high cost-effectiveness while meeting performance requirements.  7. Operating Temperature Range: Ensure that the inductor’s operating temperature range covers the requirements of the application environment, especially in high-temperature or highly variable temperature environments.  8. Stability: For applications requiring high stability (such as precision measuring instruments), select inductors with low temperature coefficients and low aging rates.  Inductor selection is a comprehensive process that requires consideration of specific application scenarios, circuit design requirements, and cost budgets. In the initial design phase, it may also be necessary to use simulation software to verify the impact of inductor parameters on circuit performance.  What are the types of inductors?  The classification of inductors is diverse, and they can be categorized into multiple types based on different criteria. Here are some primary classification methods for inductors:  1. Based on the magnetic core properties:  – Air-core coils: Without a magnetic core, suitable for high-frequency applications.  – Ferrite-core coils: Use ferrite as the magnetic core, suitable for medium to high-frequency applications.  – Iron-core coils: Use iron material as the magnetic core, suitable for low-frequency and power applications.  – Copper-core coils: Less common, used for special occasions.  2. Based on the winding structure:  – Single-layer flat-wound air-core inductor coils  – Layer-wound air-core inductor coils  – Multi-layer air-core inductor coils  – Toroidal inductor coils  – Wire wound type: Traditional construction, where the coil is wound around the magnetic core.  – Stacked type: Made by stacking multiple layers of metal sheets, suitable for surface mounting.  – Braided type and thin-film inductors: Suitable for specific high-frequency or miniaturization requirements.  3. Based on the operating frequency:  – High-frequency inductors: Used for radio frequency and high-frequency signal processing.  – Intermediate-frequency inductors: Applied in circuits with a moderate frequency range.  – Low-frequency inductors: Suitable for power filtering and low-frequency signal processing.  4. Based on structural characteristics:  – Magnetic-core coils  – Variable inductors: Inductance value can be adjusted as required.  – Color code inductors: Inductance value identified through color codes.  – Coreless coils: Suitable for high-frequency applications.  5. Based on installation form:  – Vertical inductors, horizontal inductors, through-hole inductors, surface mount inductors, etc., adaptable to different PCB designs.  6. Based on usage:  – Oscillating inductors, tuning inductors, deflection yoke coils, choke coils, filter inductors, isolation inductors, compensation inductors, etc.  7. Based on packaging form:  – Standard inductors, toroidal inductors, epoxy resin inductors, surface mount inductors, etc.  8. Based on whether inductance is adjustable:  – Fixed inductors: Inductance value cannot be changed after manufacturing.  – Adjustable inductors: Inductance value can be changed through mechanical adjustment.  9. Based on coupling methods:  – Self-induction coils: Current variation induces voltage within itself.  – Mutual-induction coils (transformers): Current variation in one coil causes voltage or current variation in another coil.  How to identify inductor?There are several common methods for identifying inductors, and below are some of the main ones:  1. Direct Marking Method:  This is the most straightforward identification method, directly labeling the nominal inductance of the inductor using numbers and alphanumeric symbols on the body of the inductor. For example, “10μH” may be directly written to indicate an inductance of 10 microhenries, with the letter following the unit possibly indicating the tolerance range.  2. Alphanumeric Method:  Using a combination of numbers and specific alphanumeric symbols to identify the inductance value and its tolerance. For example, “1R5” might represent an inductance of 1.5μH, where “R” indicates the decimal point position, and the unit is typically nH or μH.  3. Color Ring Marking Method:  Similar to the color ring identification of resistors, inductors can also be represented using color rings to indicate information such as inductance value and tolerance grade. Generally, the rings are counted from one end, and the inductance value is calculated based on the color code for the value and multiplier, with the last ring representing the tolerance.  4. Surface Mount Inductor Identification:  For surface mount inductors, their identification may include size codes (such as 3020 indicating 3.0mm x 2.0mm) and the inductance value directly printed on the component (such as 100, 220, etc.). These identifications typically appear in numeric form and may not include detailed tolerance information due to the small size.  5. Other Identifications:  In addition to the above methods, some inductors may also be identified using specific part numbers or coding systems, which require consulting the manufacturer’s datasheets to decode.  Understanding the methods of identifying inductors is crucial for correctly recognizing and using inductor components, especially in the design, maintenance, and troubleshooting processes of electronic circuits.  ConclusionInductors are indispensable components in electronic circuits, playing vital roles in a wide range of applications. From filtering out noise to energy storage and signal processing, inductors serve diverse functions that contribute to the functionality and efficiency of electronic devices and systems.  Understanding the characteristics and classifications of inductors is crucial for selecting the right component for specific circuit requirements. Moreover, the identification methods of inductors, such as direct marking, alphanumeric codes, or color ring markings, provide essential information for circuit design, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
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Release time:2024-06-24 11:48 reading:394 Continue reading>>
How Air Core Inductors Work
  In the complex field of electronics, inductors play an essential role in controlling and regulating electrical currents. However, within this vast family of inductors, a specific type stands out for its unique properties: the air core inductor. According to a report by the US Commerce Department, the electronics industry in the United States is projected to reach a staggering $500 billion by 2030. This growth signifies the ever-increasing demand for efficient and reliable electronic components, and air core inductors are expected to play an important part in this technological world.  This blog discusses inductors' importance in electronics, explores the specific attributes of air core inductors, and highlights their significant impact on modern electronics.  Understanding Inductors  Imagine a tiny electromagnet that resists changes in current. That's what an inductor is. When current flows through a coil of wire, it creates a magnetic field. If you change the current, the magnetic field tries to resist that change. Inductors store this resistance as energy, influencing how electricity behaves in a circuit.  Inductance, measured in Henry's (H), is a crucial aspect of inductors. It represents the strength of an inductor's opposition to current changes. Higher inductance signifies greater resistance. Understanding inductance is vital, affecting how a circuit responds to varying currents.  Their core material categorizes the three main types of inductors:  Iron Core Inductors: These are the most common type, utilizing iron's high permeability (ability to concentrate magnetic fields) to achieve high inductance values. However, iron cores can introduce losses at high frequencies.  Ferrite Core Inductors: Made from a ceramic material with iron oxide, ferrite cores offer a good balance between permeability and losses. They're widely used in various electronic applications.  Air Core Inductors: As the name suggests, these inductors have air as their core material, making them unique and valuable for specific situations.  What are Air Core Inductors?  Air core inductors stand out for their unique properties. Unlike their iron and ferrite counterparts, they don't rely on a ferromagnetic material to enhance the magnetic field. This design offers several advantages:  High Q Factor: The Q factor represents the quality of an inductor's resonance. Air core inductors boast a high Q factor due to minimal core losses like eddy currents and hysteresis (magnetic memory effect). This translates to sharper signal filtering and lower distortion.  Low Distortion: The lack of a core minimizes magnetic hysteresis and saturation effects, which can distort signals in other inductor types. This makes air core inductors ideal for applications demanding high signal fidelity.  Wide Frequency Range: Air core inductors operate effectively at high frequencies because air doesn't hinder magnetic field changes. This makes them perfect for radio frequency (RF) circuits.  However, there are also some limitations to consider:  Lower Inductance: Air core inductors have a core that amplifies the magnetic field, making achieving high inductance values easier. However, more wire turns may be necessary to achieve the desired inductance.  Susceptibility to Interference: The absence of a core makes air core inductors more susceptible to external magnetic fields, potentially affecting their performance. Careful design and shielding are crucial in such applications.  Size and Cost: Air core inductors may require more wire and significant form factors to compensate for lower inductance. This can impact their cost and size compared to some core-based alternatives.  Function of Air Core Inductors  Despite the limitations, air core inductors excel in specific applications:  Magnetic Field Generation: Their ability to operate at high frequencies makes them ideal for generating high-frequency magnetic fields. This is useful in RF circuits like antennas and transformers.  Inductance Calculation: The air core simplifies inductance calculations, as the core material doesn't introduce additional complexities. This allows for the precise design of circuits requiring specific inductance values.  Applications of Air Core Inductors  The unique properties of air core inductors make them well-suited for various electronic applications:  RF Circuits: Their high Q factor and wide frequency range make them perfect for tuning circuits, filters, and antennas in radio frequency applications.  Audio Systems: Air core inductors are prevalent in crossovers, tone controls, and high-fidelity audio equipment due to minimal signal distortion.  Power Electronics: While less common in high-power applications, air core inductors can be found in switch-mode power supplies, inverters, and converters, particularly high-frequency switching.
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Release time:2024-05-30 13:39 reading:482 Continue reading>>
Choke Inductors What They Are and What They Do
  Have you ever wondered how your phone stays charged or how your car radio delivers crystal-clear sound even on a bumpy road? The answer might lie in a tiny, unassuming component called a choke inductor. While they may not be the flashiest parts in your electronics, choke inductors are critical in ensuring smooth operation and clean power delivery across many devices. In this blog, we will look into the world of choke inductors and explain their function, work, and applications in everyday electronics.  What is a Choke Inductor?  A choke inductor, also commonly referred to as a choke coil inductor or simply a choke, is a passive electronic component that acts like a gatekeeper for electrical current. Unlike its cousin, the resistor, which dissipates energy as heat, a choke inductor manipulates the current flow based on its frequency. Here's the key difference:  Choke inductors: Block high-frequency alternating current (AC) while allowing direct current (DC) and lower-frequency AC to pass through.  Resistors: Resist all current frequencies, reducing the overall current flow and dissipating energy as heat.  This selective filtering property makes choke inductors essential components in various electronic circuits, ensuring clean power delivery and mitigating unwanted electrical noise.  How Does a Choke Inductor Work?  The magic behind choke inductors lies in their ability to generate a magnetic field when current flows through their coil. This magnetic field, in turn, opposes any changes in current. Here's a breakdown:  Current Flow: When current passes through the coil's wire, a magnetic field is generated around it.  Magnetic Field Opposition: According to Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction, this magnetic field tries to resist changes in the current that created it.  Frequency Dependence: High-frequency AC signals involve rapid changes in the current direction. The opposing magnetic field substantially affects these rapid changes, making it more difficult for the high-frequency AC to pass through the choke.  DC and Low-Frequency AC: The changes in current are slower for direct current (DC) and lower-frequency AC. The opposing magnetic field has less impact, allowing these currents to pass through the choke with minimal hindrance.  Purpose of a Choke Inductor  Choke inductors offer a variety of functionalities in electronic circuits. Here are some of their essentialkey purposes:  Filtering: As mentioned, choke inductors filter out unwanted high-frequency noise from AC signals. This is crucial for ensuring clean power delivery and preventing interference with other components in the circuit.  Energy Storage: Choke inductors can store energy in their magnetic field when current flows through them. This stored energy can then be released back into the circuit when needed. This property is beneficial in circuits requiring power regulation or transient voltage suppression.  Voltage Regulation: Choke inductors can regulate circuit voltage levels with capacitors. By controlling the flow of current and the energy stored within the magnetic field, choke inductors help maintain a stable voltage output.  Types of Choke Inductors  While the basic operating principle remains the same, choke inductors come in various types based on their core material:  Air-Core Chokes: These chokes have an air core that offers low inductance (the ability to store energy magnetically) but works well at high frequencies. They are typically used in RF (radio frequency) circuits.  Iron-Core Chokes: Iron-core chokes provide higher inductance than air-core chokes, making them suitable for applications requiring more energy storage or filtering lower-frequency AC noise. However, they can suffer from core losses at higher frequencies.  Ferrite-Core Chokes: Ferrite is a ceramic material commonly used in choke inductors. It offers a good balance between inductance and core losses, making it a versatile choice for many applications, especially beneficial for high-frequency filtering applications.  Real-World Applications  Choke inductors are ubiquitous in various electronic devices:  Automotive Electronics: They play a vital role in power supplies for car audio systems, engine control units (ECUs), and other electronic components, filtering out noise and ensuring smooth operation.  Power Electronics: Choke inductors are essential in switch-mode power supplies, filtering out switching noise and regulating voltage for various electronic devices.  Radio Frequency (RF) Circuits: In RF circuits, choke inductors prevent unwanted signals from leaking out and interfering with other circuits. This ensures efficient signal transmission and reception.  Final Thoughts  Choke inductors are workhorses in electronics, silently ensuring clean power delivery, signal integrity, and protection from unwanted interference. By understanding their operating principles and various types, you gain valuable insight into the intricate workings of electronic circuits. Whether you're a seasoned engineer or an electronics enthusiast, appreciating the role of choke inductors empowers you to design and troubleshoot circuits more effectively.
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Release time:2024-05-24 13:26 reading:664 Continue reading>>
New Automotive-Grade DFE2MCPH_JL Series Power Inductors Have Improved DC resistance and Current Rating
  Murata, a leading manufacturer of passive components, has expanded their line-up with the release of the DFE2MCPH_JL series of automotive-grade power inductors with values 0.33µH and 0.47µH, specifically designed for automotive powertrain/safety equipment. Compared with existing products in the Murata DFE2MCAH_J0 series, the 0.33µH part, for example achieves the highest standards in the industry with a reduction of 38% in DC resistance to 18 mOhm along with a 31% increase in rated current to 5.1 A for the same temperature rise. Rated current for a specified inductance drop is also 64% higher at 6.9 A. In addition, this product realized 40V of withstand voltage, and this is all in 0806-inch size with an operating temperature range of -40°C to +155°C with current derating.  The metal alloy inductors leverage Murata’s advances in material and manufacturing technology to achieve a combination of high quality and performance. This makes the parts ideal for demanding automotive applications such as ADAS and IVI systems – a market that is rapidly expanding.  The high DC current rating and low power dissipation of the DFE2MCPH_JL series, complemented by a high impulse voltage rating, make them particularly suitable for low-loss filtering and energy storage in power converter applications. At the same time, the miniature package saves space and material usage.  Murata will continue to expand inductance value from 0.1 µH to 4.7µH in the future to meet market needs and to expand the breadth of automotive applications.  Further applications for these high current, high-grade inductors are in automotive infotainment/comfort systems and medical equipment GHTF Classes A, B and Class C (not implant).
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Release time:2024-01-31 16:39 reading:1433 Continue reading>>
What Is an Inductor in a Circuit
  The inductor plays a major role in electronic circuits with the capability of storing electrical or inducing energy in a magnetic field surrounding a coil. The device allows direct current (DC) but not alternating current (AC) to flow through. Various types of inductors exist to provide inductance, a property that induces electromagnetic force measured in voltage through a circuit or conductor.  Most people never hear about inductors in their everyday lives. Engineers, electricians, and electronic technicians may be familiar with this basic component, but the majority of the population has no idea what an inductor is. Yet, inductors are commonly found in modern electronic systems and devices.  As a passive energy storage device, an inductor has an "on" and "off" switch. In the "off" mode, the inductor supplies energy to the circuit and maintains a steady flow of current. It opposes fluctuations in current that flows through it, providing inductance of electromagnetic force through its magnetic field when necessary. Inductance, in mathematical terms, is the ratio of voltage level to the rate of change in current. This metric helps technicians know how much energy an inductor can store.  Ultimately, an inductor is like a gatekeeper or regulator for energy within a system. When it induces voltage, instant resistance is generated, which the inductor takes into account to stabilize the current.  How Are Inductors Designed?  Inductors are designed to meet electrical, mechanical, and thermal requirements for specific applications. Building one from scratch would involve choosing a core material, shape, size, and winding wire. Copper is a common choice for winding wire because it's coated with polymer for insulation. The wire guides the energy in the magnetic field, while the winding can be cylindrical or a box-like shape. Magnetic wire helps prevent disruptions such as short circuits and breakdowns.  Different types of inductors exist in which they are distinguished by a core material such as iron, air, and ferrite. Iron is a commonly used magnetic material, particularly in audio equipment, because it's excellent for low-frequency line filtering. Air core inductors are useful for handling high frequencies.  Ferrite is another widely used material for inductor cores. Its iron-based ceramic material comprises mixed metals. Ferrite is favored in electronic production due to how its permeability can be easily controlled.  Since the price of copper is high, copper wiring is mostly found in equipment and devices that justify mass production. These products induce radios, power supplies, and electronic gadgets.  Conclusion  Inductors serve the purpose of preventing sudden shifts in voltage input while maintaining consistent current flow. These simple components play a monumental role in keeping current consistent, which protects the equipment. If you are looking for all types of electronic components, visit the Allied Components International website today.
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Release time:2023-11-01 16:18 reading:2142 Continue reading>>
How to distinguish the role of color ring <span style='color:red'>inductor</span> in circuit from color ring resistance
  Color code inductance is also called color ring inductance. When the color ring inductor uses the current through the circuit, only fixed magnetic force lines are displayed around the inductor.         In order to improve your understanding of color ring inductor, the following is related content of color ring inductor sorted out by AMEYA360 electronic components purchasing network, hoping to provide you with reference and help. However, when the color ring inductor passes an alternating current through the coil, the magnetic force line around the color ring inductor changes with time.  First, the role of color ring inductance in the circuit  1, screen signals, color code inductance can play a role of frequency selection, when the color code inductance and electrolytic capacitor in parallel can be composed of tuning circuit. The inductance and capacitive reactance of the color code inductor in the circuit are opposite, so that the natural oscillation frequency f0 in the circuit is equal to the frequency f of the non-AC signal, so as to play a role of signal screening.  2, inhibit electromagnetic wave interference, that is, inhibit EMC interference. Color code inductor and capacitor are combined to form LC filter circuit, in which EMC interference can be suppressed.  3, stable current, color ring inductance plays a role in the circuit to stabilize the current. When the current increases, the color ring inductor generates induced electromotive force to prevent the current from increasing. When the current decreases, the color ring inductor will release the energy previously stored, thus reducing the current reduction.
Release time:2023-03-10 11:41 reading:1596 Continue reading>>

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